
The Foundation is supported thanks to the generosity of many who without distinction of ethnicity, color or creed, are in solidarity with the poor brother, a manifestation of the providence translated into human, economic and material resources to improve the quality of life of these people.
We must continue to grow and open space to many who remain in the streets, being subject to aggression and abuse, dying in misery and loneliness.
About us?
Fundación Hogar Manos Abiertas is a non-profit institution, dedicated to the care and care of people with severe disabilities and terminal illnesses (celebratory paralysis, paraplegia, mental retardation, degenerative syndromes, etc.), all of them in a state of abandonment, lacking the basic rights of the human being.
Located in Costa Rica (province of Alajuela), the Foundation provides a permanent home to nearly 100 people throughout Costa Rica. A place where they receive not only attention to their basic needs, but also the love and devotion of those who have decided to become their family and provide them with a dignified and happy life.

Mission and vision
To be a vanguard foundation in the direct and effective attention to social problems related to disability and abandonment, fighting against hunger, malnutrition, diseases and any behavior that violates the fundamental rights of people (children, youth and adults) in conditions of abandonment and extreme poverty.
Based on the Holy Gospel, it promotes that every person with a disability or social marginalization receives a direct impact in the improvement of their quality of life and in the rescue of their dignity, while enjoying an integral and responsible service that guarantees their participation in a more just and solidary world.
Currently about 100 people are served. Most require total assistance in all their basic physical functions 24 hours, in addition to medical equipment, special nutrition, continuous medication, large amount of disposable diapers, and all the resources needed to keep the infrastructure in good condition and clean.
CHILD PLAYA LINK2a It is urgent to increase the service coverage to face the growing number of applications for income, people who year after year, fall into poverty, or are abandoned at birth.
New projects are planned to respond to this human drama that our poorest brothers live.
We need your help in this work that belongs to everyone.
If you want to support the care of children in our shelters, with food, medicines, diapers, etc., you can do so with online donations, recurring donations in our link to DONATIONS or directly with diapers, milks, food and medicines at the Hogar en Rosales de Homeless from Alajuela. See our address in CONTACT US.